Sunday, August 7, 2011

 Cannon just gets cuter everyday.  He can say lots of words now and loves to shadow his big brothers and sisters
 We finally did our summer day camp for kids.  We were going to do only one week 3 hours a day with different themes each day.  We had such a great response we opened a second week and had 11-13 kids in each week.  Lots of work, lots of fun, kids loved earning a little school clothes money and mom loved earning enough to get Dad a real birthday present this year.
 Boys will be boys!  Jake, Hunter and and backdoor friend Brayden came home from scouts with hand fulls of oozing snails. Scared me to death when they came from behind me and shoved them in my face to show me.  Good one boys!

 Our little girl is all grown up!  Alyssa lost her first tooth and just in time to start kindergarten.  It literally just fell out of her mouth.  Thanks to Emily we found it and she was rewarded by the tooth fairy.  It has been a good 4 years since we have had a child with a missing bottom tooth.  She looks so cute and I love her new lisp.
 Dress up is always fun with a friend.  The Davis family came over for birthday celebration and all 6 of the girls had a ball dressing up in garb.

Can you get any cuter boys!
 We participated in a float for the highland City days with the Dyslexia Center of Utah.  It was so fun to have all the kids there pass out candy and otter pops. We learned a couple of things for next year:  to avoid a sticky mess freeze pops way in advance and save some candy for the people at the end of the route.  The kids had a great time and it was fun to bring a little awareness to the community.

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