Sunday, October 11, 2009

We are loving fall and looking forward to pumpkins, turkeys, and stockings. We celebrated Janey's 2nd birthday and Alyssa's 4th birthday in Sept. We just love these little girls and they love each other. They are always together and remind me so much of my relationship with my older sister MaryAnn. Alyssa started preschool with our neighborhood friends and moms. We take turns teaching and the little girls love it. Two days a week she gets to feel like a big kid and I love that she is being taught by such great women. Janey wishes she could go to. She is my good little helper and loves to kiss and hug Cannon. She still loves her flip flops and loves to try to sing the ABC's. She is quite the independant little spirit and has learned to climb out of her crib and high chair, hates to be contained in a stroller, and screams everytime we buckle her in her carseat. "Set me free" should be printed on her forehead. Cannon is just a blessing and brings smiles to everyone. The poor child has had a snuffy nose for 3 months straight. We have tried everythings from herbs, to oils, to me going off dairy. Nothing really makes a difference. He is a good sport about it and sleeps ok despite it so we are thankful. He has his two front bottom teeth and it working on his two top ones. He now officially rolls from back to tummy and back again. He loves to stand in his walker saucer and watch the caos of our household go on around him. We love our Can Man!