Sunday, August 28, 2011

camping at current creek

 We had a great weekend at Current Creek camp ground.  It was our last summer fling and we has a smashing good time.  Cannon ate more dirt then food and loved every rock, tree, and bug!
 The first morning there we took a great little mile hike up to a beautiful ridge.  The kids were all good hikers.  Janey's little legs didn't want to move much so her daddy was good to carry her.
 Cannon is in "do it myself" mode and insisted on sitting on every edge of the overlook and being the last one to leave.
 We went with our good friends the Johnsons.  Our kids have a great time together and it was really fun to have other family to hang out with.

 This is Alyssa in her "I'm ready for the hike" pose!
 Camp fire was definitely the funnest part.   The kids all went through several fire sticks and loves burning the ends of sticks and writing on the cement with the tips

Janey loved her little chair and made sure no one else had  a chance to sit in it.  We had a beautiful lake just down the hill that we went to and played in and took the canoe out on. Unfortunately we have no pictures because both cameras fell in the lake. We were blessed to save the still shot camera but our video camera no longer works.  Very sad.  WE are just hoping to somehow pull all the videos off the memory card

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