Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dear Family,
I am happy to say that all is well here in the Brinley home. We are surviving each day and even thriving on a few. Janey is growing and looking chubbier everyday. We had an oxygen test this past Thursday. She did better then the two weeks previous but her levels were still a little low. We will test her again in 2 more weeks and hopefully we will be able to have her off the oxygen. I am getting pretty good at transporting her with her tank and monitor around the house. She is so sweet and is a great little eater and sleeper. She is giving me 6 to 7 hour stretches at night which I am so thankful for.
Jonathan continues to amaze me with his ability to work on our home. He has done the tile work and finish carpentry and is now laying the wood floors. I was able to go out and spend all Saturday helping him lay the floors. Janey slept in the pantry closet in her carseat and didn't seem to mind all the noise. It is fun to work together and I wish I could be out helping him more. He is putting in 17 hour days and I am so appreciative of his hard work. I am trying to hold things together on the home front. Thanks to mom an dad we somehow get to all the doctor appointments, school programs, and dance lessons. The Lord has blessed us so much with the timing of everything the last 3 months and I am so thankful.
We had a happy and haunting Halloween. Katy was a scary witch with moles and green hair, Hunter was a motorcross driver who had crashed(he was really excited about getting to put the fake blood on his face), Jacob was a skeleton with full face makeup(a little tricky with glasses),
Emily was a white fairy (thanks to Aunt Mary Ann's costume box), and Alyssa was a little indian girl. Alyssa had a great time trick or teating for the first time. She would enthusiastically run to each door with her siblings, get the candy, say "thank you", and then run back and say, "Daddy, candy". Each door was like a first experience. It was so funny. Poor Katy had an allergic reaction to some cheese she had at lunch and only made it half way through the houses before I walked her home in pain. Not a fun night to be sick on as a kid, especially when your eligable years to go trick or treating are quickly drawing to an end.
WE love you and hope you have a thankful and blessed month. We look forward to the holidays and hopefully introducing you all to our little Janey.
the Brinley Bunch

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dear Family,

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth Jane. She continues to respond well to every new step in her development. We want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We look forward to bringing her home in the next few weeks.

Here she is on her birthday...

Here she is later that same day...

Here is the most recent picture we have of her...

And here is Denise's very competent medical staff...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hi fam!
We are now official Utah county residences. We are more than thrilled to have sold our home and be at this stage of the process. Mom and Dad have been amazing hosts and have rearranged their home to accomadate our family of seven. We love being here and love that our kids are getting to know their grandparents even better. We hope the feeling is mutual. The kids are all well. The heat is driving them nuts and they ask to go swimming every day. We're going to have to find something for them. They are, however, making friends around the commons area as well as at the ward we're attending out in Saratoga Springs. We're hoping that will make it an easier transition for them once school starts and when we finally get into our home out there. Katy had her 9th birthday. She took some friends on a nature walk in the mountains for her party and we all went to see Ratatouille (sp?) that night. We also finally decided to get Katy some reading glasses. The ophthalmologist was less than impressive or convincing that she actually needed them but we decided it couldn't hurt her in the end.Alyssa is compounding her vocabulary daily. It is so fun to hear what she'll say next. Her favorite words are "cookie" and "no" (but not together). We had a fun 4th of July! We were able to watch the provo parade from Jonathan's brothers condo stairwell. It was shaded which was nice. We have actually gone to three parades this month all with shade and excellent seating. We saw M'kaaylie in 2 of them which was fun as well as Kyle's girls and Shaelyn. The kids favorite part has been all the free candy thrown out to the crowd. It was worse then Halloween. We went to Canada the second week of July with Jonathan's family to see his brother Dave who now lives there. The 19 hour ride up all in one day about did me in. The kids were fantastic (mostly because they got to take turns in the RV Doug had rented). We visisted Banff and Lake Louise and Glacier National Park. It was fun to revisit all the places from when we went to the stampede when I was younger. Jake and I both got pretty sick the night we camped in Banff but seemed to get better quickly and thankfully it didn't spread through everyone. I came home from the trip with elephant feet and legs. I am holding onto water pretty bad in my legs and feet and have to prop them most of the day. My hands are also numb most of the time and I found out I am very anemic, but no worries, I am now on Iron and only 8 weeks to go. This to shall pass and what a great reward in the end. We expect you all to visit us now that we are conveniently located. We hope you are all staying cool and continue to have a great summer.
love,Jonathan, Denise, and fam
PS. We have a foundation, YEH! Hopefully framing will start in a week!(in construction time that means 3 I am learning)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hi everyone!
This is really just a test to make sure I'm doing this right. If it all works, we'll post first of August.
Much love to all,
Jonathan & Denise