Sunday, February 20, 2011

It has been birthday week here at the Brinley house. Monday morning dawned the boys birthday and Valentines Day. We had quick breakfast complete with cups full of dried fruit and nuts and new flower hair clips for the girls and off to the races we went. The boys had tutoring that morning but didn't mind too much because they got a box of candy from their teacher. I got them to school and home in just enough time to put all the games together for Emily's class party. I would be helping out in the boys class because of their birthday but I am the room rep for Emily and so needed to help with that party as well. I got done in just enough time to shower quick and give the little ones a quick PB&J sandwich and off we went to the school. My mom's that were going to help in Emily's class were late in coming so I juggled both classes for the first 15 min. The little ones loved being there and both parties ended up successful (the kids just really want to pass out their valentines and eat their candy anyway). I brought Emily home with me and started in on valentine muffins topped with cream cheese frosting and Hershey kisses garnished with fresh strawberries for my Visiting teachies. I probably shouldn't have tried to cram this part of the day in but I wanted so much to take them a little something for Valentines Day. I got them done just in time to deliver and take Emily to choir practice. As soon as I got back I got started on the boys angel food cake, thank goodness for Betty Crocker. I forgot however that the cake would take almost 50 min. to bake and I needed to get homemade french fries cooking for dinner in 2o min. My parents were coming at five thirty and now dinner wouldn't be ready till close to 6:30. Oh well. We had a great hamburger dinner and the boys loved their birthday gifts, especially their snorkeling gear for Hawaii. All in all it was a full and lovely day!

Emily's birthday was Sat. She had her favorite friends from Riverton over Friday evening for a mock "Emmy" awards night. The girls had fun getting all dolled up and then being picked up by the JDBrinley limo service. They came back from their drive to the Candlelight lookout restaurant (candle light for 4 set up in our front room). After a fancy dinner they walked the red carpet to their room for a little karaoke and then a movie projected on their ceiling. They had so much fun and Emily was totally in her element.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Adorable theme birthday party!!!

Of course you were running two class parties at the same time :) You amaze me. Miss you friend.