Sunday, December 18, 2011

Big changes

I have unfortunately had little time to document the past 4 weeks. They have been busy and wonderful and full of many blessings.  Jonathan was serving double duty with Bishop and Stake Presidency up until last Sunday.  It was a bitter sweet experience to hear him release himself and call a new Bishop of our ward.  The man that was called will be great and his family is amazing.  I immediately felt the passing of the mantle and felt almost an emptiness and we closed another chapter in our family history.  Jonathan had me come up and bare my testimony in sacrament meeting which the spirit had prepared me was going to happen the night before.  I had completely lost my voice to a virus and struggled to make sound come out of my vocal chords.  I testified of Gods mercies to our family and compensatory blessings that have showered our home over the past 3 years.  The time was like a sweet passing dream and we both learned better how to care for each other and the people around us.  I loved watching him serve and succeed and sometimes fail and learn and grow and be better the next time.  I learned that every member is needed in a ward and we serve to help bring God's children back to him.  I am excited about his new calling and pray for the same kind of growth and blessings to happen within our family.  It was strange to go to sacrament meeting today and not have him there.  He was attending another ward.  Cannon was the first to look up to the stand for his daddy and notice he wasn't in his normal seat.  He said, "Where is daddy?"  I tried to explain he was in another building but he didn't really get it.  It was strange to not go to his office after meetings or see him in the halls.  It was a sweet treat however to come home from church and have him here for lunch and for the kids to see him for a short time before he was off again.  I love him and the service he gives.  We are fast approaching Christmas and the kids are now out of school for the next 19 days which I love!